Employment Application Form

Hiring the best candidate to fill open positions in your company is quite daunting if you do not have the right tools, such as employment application online forms. This form helps you find candidates and narrow them down to the most suitable ones.

A Guide For Creating Employment Application Form

Using an online employment application form helps companies like you attract more applicants and make hiring easier for both parties. It also allows you to compare applicants while looking at the same information set. But how do you go about creating an online application form?

Steps in Making an Employment Application Form

1. Pick the correct application form-making program

Employment Application Form

You can create an online job application for free, but you should choose the right program. It helps if you know what you want your application form to look like.

There are many programs offering templates for employee application forms or any business-related forms. However, it might be more convenient if you use online services to make one. Make sure to follow your program's guidelines regarding creating these forms.

Some programs have a blank employment application form, but they are also likely offering templates. The latter might have free samples you can learn from and are easily customizable.

2. Ask for the correct information from the applicants

As the one doing the hiring, you should know what pertinent information you need to find the best applicants for your open positions. These details should help you get to know them better.

3. Review the Job application form thoroughly

Once you are done creating the employee application form, proofread the entire document. Check the alignment of all the items to make them look neat, organized, and attractive to potential applicants. Ensure that there are no grammar mistakes and that the font and font size are readable.

What to Ask On an Employment Application Online Form

Employment application forms should ask for the applicants' personal information, education, references, and experience. They should include the following critical information:

  • Legal name
  • Educational background
  • Address, email address, and phone number
  • Availability
  • Work experiences (previous positions, companies, and timeline of employment)
  • References
  • Desired salary
Job Application Form

You should also include a few critical questions in the employment application online form to gain a deeper insight into each applicant so you can decide which among them suits the open positions best. The said Job application forms should have the following questions:

  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • Tell us how you are a good fit for the position.
  • How can you describe your latest experience working as a part of a team?
  • Tell us your most significant accomplishment.
  • Describe how you overcame what you consider your most significant obstacle at work.

Do not bombard the employment application form with a long list of questions. Choose only a few questions, then ask more as you move the applicants along in the hiring process.

What Not to Ask on an Application for Employment

While asking questions can help you filter applicants, you should be careful in choosing the right questions. Do not discuss anything about age, sex, race, disability, or religion if you do not want to be accused of showing discriminatory behavior. It may become grounds for a lawsuit.

Some states prohibit companies from asking applicants about their salary history. It would be safer instead to ask them about their salary expectations.

Some states consider asking applicants about their criminal history illegal because they want to prevent convicts from being automatically disqualified during the initial selection process. Check your state's laws first before finalizing your employment application online form.

Why Create Forms with Formbot, the free employee application form builder

Do you want to start making your employment application form now? Try FormBot! The best news is that you can even explore this form-building service entirely for free! Since it is user-friendly, there should be no daunting period of trying to adapt to how it works.

Formbot is an online form builder that allows you to build forms for free. It makes form building easier on users because of its rich template library. Just click "Create form," customize it to suit your needs, choose where to save the applicants' data, embed the form in your site, and gather data. Build your employment application form with FormBot now!

Application of Employment Form

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